11:03 AM

DIY Wool Lapel Jumpsuit and Fabric Mart Fabrics Partnership!

Back again huns!

I am very excited to announce I will be partnering up with Fabric Mart Fabrics for a monthly post and tutorial.  I am beyond excited to be a part of this opportunity as Fabric Mart Fabrics is one of my favorite sites!  I cannot count the many, many times I have stopped what I was doing and purchased the featured fabric of the day.  Oh and the their sale/clearance selections........? Oh my!

For my first post, I choose black Wool.  Knowing I live for jumpsuits, I decided to make one for the impending weather.  Jack frost is making his way to the east coast so why not?!  You can find the fabric (here), with other options (here) & (here).


So... How did I make it?  Well I am not doing to act as if this was an amazingly easy task because it was NOT.

I knew I wanted to create the pants with my famously popular pattern M6756/M6930.  In this style jumpsuit you want a high waist.  These two patterns accommodate high waist with ease!

I basically used M6756 drafted into pants, but used the pocket style of M6930.

For the top, I used S1421, I have had this blazer pattern for some time!  It fit ever so perfectly in the plans for this jumpsuit!

I made a muslin of the jacket before I started on this project.  It requires shortening and fit adjustments if necessary.  I also did not sew the buttons on the sleeves.  

For the belt:  The belt is a 4.5 inch strip of fabric (2) with a 2.5  inch strip for the middle (1).  the middle strip is folded like bias tape for clean lines and sew onto the wider portion for a tuxedo look.  Now, if you are doing this with a thinner fabric, you can use the normal technique to accomplish the tuxedo look, but it is not recommended for wool.

A zipper was inserted on the side that ran from the bust to just below the pocket.  This gives the ease needed to step into and out of the suit.

finally, I put a snap on the bust to keep it cute.  This is purely optional and I may wear it both ways you never know!

Sounds complicated?  Well, yes and no.... DONT FRET!  I will be filming a tutorial for this jumpsuit and walk you through all of the design details.  Look out for it next week! 

The final result.....

I hope you love it as much as I!  


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